George Popa

Photo of George Popa

George Popa

Department:   Health Insurance
Senior Healthcare Advisor
Phone:   330-963-3800   Ext: 3024
Direct Line:   330-840-7963
Fax:   330-963-3811

George began his career in the insurance industry over 20 years ago and realized quickly realized how much he enjoyed the personal interactions with clients.  As a Medicare specialist George realizes how often clients come to him confused or frustrated by the overwhelming amount of information they have been inundated with.  George enjoys spending time with clients to make sure he has a thorough understanding of their needs and using his expertise to explain the options available to them.

George and his wife have three children.  They enjoy hiking, playing video games and bon fires in the backyard.  George is also passionate about volunteering both with his church and in the community. 

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