small business

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Re-evaluating Your Business InsuranceA comprehensive business insurance policy is a must for any business owner. But under what circumstances do you need to take another look at that policy and make important adjustments? Here are some instances when it would be a good idea to revisit your business insurance plan and add to, or change, your coverage.
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Business Owners PolicyRunning a small business in Ohio can bring daily challenges, from minor equipment breakdowns to staff or customer injuries; or damage to your building caused by a storm or break in. These daily obstacles are the cost of doing business, but if you're not prepared, they can keep your business from moving forward or even force you to close your doors. That's why every small business owner needs a great business owner's policy (BOP). A business owner's policy combines multiple necessary insurance coverages into one package for a reduced price. Here's what you need to know to find the right policy for your business:
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Annual Employee ReviewsMany employers take the time and effort to follow through with employee reviews, while others let this annual tradition slide. Annual performance reviews can be excruciating, productive, or somewhere in between. So what makes the difference? What makes an annual review effective, and how can both employers and employees can prepare to get the best possible outcome?
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Work Life paper on laptopSome small business owners in Ohio can hardly keep apace with the holiday rush; other businesses slow down to a near crawl during this time of the year. So how do you make the most of the season, regardless of which end of the spectrum you're on?
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It's that time of year when high school and college students are out of school, and many are looking for summer work. It's also the time when some seasonal businesses pick up, and many depend on solid summer help. Hiring seasonal workers?
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Starting a small business in Ohio is exciting, but on the journey to success, mistakes are inevitable. But if you're starting your own company, some mistakes can be fatal. Increase the odds that your new venture will stay afloat by avoiding these all-too-common roadblocks:
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In a classic "Saturday Night Live" sketch, actor and comedian Steve Martin once gave the most underrated advice on how to become a millionaire: "First, you get a million dollars." But if that doesn't work for you, try these inspirational ideas from some of the world's most famous self-made entrepreneurs:
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Person working on vacationFor small business owners in Ohio, taking off for a summer vacation can be more stressful than just staying at work. Here are some tips for going on vacation if you're the boss so that you can actually relax while you're away from the office.
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